Cybersecurity Pedagogy and Practice Journal

Volume 1

V1 N1 Pages 4-17

Jul 2022

Teaching Cybersecurity Incident Response Using the Backdoors & Breaches Tabletop Exercise Game

Jacob Young
Bradley University
Peoria, IL USA

Sahar Farshadkhah
University of Illinois - Springfield
Springfield, IL USA

Abstract: In this paper, we describe an in-class cybersecurity exercise based upon the tabletop incident response game, Backdoors & Breaches, developed by Black Hills Security and Active Countermeasures. Instructors present students with a cybersecurity incident scenario and then task them with selecting appropriate defensive measures and analysis techniques to mitigate the threat. First, we provide background discussion on business continuity, incident response, and tabletop exercises. Second, we explain Backdoors & Breaches. Third, we describe how we utilized the game in an Executive Master of Business Administration program and a junior-level information security course. Fourth, we discuss additional game development that has occurred since we employed our exercise. Lastly, we share comments from our students and provide recommendations for others interested in replicating the exercise.

Download this article: CPPJ - V1 N1 Page 4.pdf

Recommended Citation: Young, J., Farshadkhah, S., (2022). Teaching Cybersecurity Incident Response Using the Backdoors & Breaches Tabletop Exercise Game. Cybersecurity Pedagogy and Practice Journal1(1) pp 4-17. http://CPPJ.org/2022-1/ ISSN#: 2832-1006. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2021